
New Design for Summer Celebration

Katie and I chose this design, out of my custom options, for her sis's upcoming engagement celebration.


"Tin Roof..... RUSTED"

(or busted, as in my case)
Karoke marathon Saturday spent with Jean and the gang at Sing Sing.

Gatsby vs. the Squirrel

File this under: Squirrel with steel cojenes. I honestly love how it seems to wear its own tail as a headpiece at times.

Sidenote: Gatsby is my boss's dog. I hope to kidnap him one day.


Pics from the Legendary Blush & Bashful Bridal Shower

Wedding Details come to life!

From Joc and Nic's wedding-- hopefully more shots to come of all designed collateral pieces we created. The wedding looked so beautiful... congrats to the happy couple!


Spitballing Ideas

With my good friend Eric for the cover of his new book... which will be available mid-to-late July at barnesandnoble.com, amazon.com, etc.

It's a guaranteed great read....

Mad about Mad Men Illustrations

New artist crush of the day: Dyna Moe. Her illustrated depictions of famous scenes from Mad Men are to die for. Now if I could just get a Don Draper Poster to hang above my bed, with some sort of martini dispenser, I'd be set for life.


Round Two: Party on the Floor of NYSE

With the black dress triumvirate.


Hermes Knocks It Out of The Park

their new ad campaign.... AH-MAY-ZING