Al and I packed our bags two fridays ago and braced ourselves for a harrowing trip on the train ride out to the Hamptons. Since most new yorkers take the rail to head to LI, getting on the train and securing a seat (as well as a spot for our luggage) felt like something out of Fear Factor. Well, to be honest, some of it was self-inflicted. First, we accidentally boarded the wrong train. Upon hearing the announcer on the PA system declare that the train was leaving for Oyster Bay, we quickly jumped up and grabbed our stuff. As the doors were practically closing on us as we attempted to exit, a man came rushing from behind us to give me my wallet... that I had apparently left on the seat in my moment of panic. When we got on the correct train, we unknowingly placed our luggage in a spot that hindered a wheelchair-bound passenger from boarding. I jumped up and tried to quickly move the pieces, and tripped.. practically landing me in his lap. Nothing like a quiet, peaceful start to weekend getaway....
Luckily though, we made it there in one piece. One very sweaty, flustered piece. Friday night we dined at Exile and hit the local dive bar, Talkhouse- which was packed with the most random assortment of folks: locals, new yorkers and tweens, oh my! Saturday we meandered over to the Surf Lodge for a stunning sunset. During dinner there we spotted ole crazy Real Housewive Bensimon. That lady is dark like an old wallet, with teeth as bright as a flashlight.

And of course, super planner Al had us staying at the most adorable little inn- The Gansett Green Manor. Not only was it charming, it was only a mere two steps from the main drag in Amagansett.

We loved it so much... until we realized on the last day that something a little unusual was hanging outside our door....

UMMMMMMM, why hello there noose.
Needless to say, I slept with one eye open that night.