
Christmas Gift Idea: Monogrammed Envelope Clutch

I am defenseless against a hot pink/hunter green/monogram combo. It 
really resonates with my inner preppy nerd. These clutches make great custom 
xmas gifts (and for only $40 a pop). Click here to see the full etsy 
shop and to choose color palette.

Typographic Treat

Beautiful lettering by Erin Marinovich

Bulb Bouquet

Love this DIY idea for making a holiday wedding bouquet 
out of glass, metallic ornaments.


More Askew Couture

Another outtake from this weekend's photoshoot. 

TCO Holiday Windows

It's hard not to brag about this year's Tiffany Holiday windows... 
I know the members of our creative visual merchandising team and their talent 
and dedication to creating jaw dropping displays is utterly inspiring. 
If you have the chance, make sure to swing by our flagship store on 5th ave
to take in this year's park avenue themed creations. 

Can't Believe

That this was Manhattan only a month ago.


New Askew Couture Site

Sooo excited for the relaunch! Coming before Christmas... stay tuned. 
Kimmies and I have been working hard and we are super pleased with what is 
coming down the pike.


Skeet Shooting Pics

At long last- My overdue photos from our perfect CT weekend. 
Little did we know that it would be the last taste of sanity before Sandy hit. 
We stayed at the world's most picturesque resort located in the town of 
Morris—the Winivan. Wood fireplaces, endless red wine and gourmet meals.
And to my delight, shuffleboard. During the day we drove to the 
Orvis Shooting Ground in Millbrook NY... by the end, I was hooked.
My true southern roots came out, and by the time I left, I felt like I had 
developed a real knack for it (insert horn tooting). Naturally, we finished
the trip with a mini eat-athon at a local BBQ shop.

Winivan Lodge
One of the themed guest cottages: An actual treehouse
prime leaf peepin'
Our fireplace in our suite. Amazingly enough, this moment was not brought to you by Duraflame
If only I had become a professional shuffle boarder... I could really have been a big deal
 Skeet shootin' junkies 
Orvis shooting ground
Just another female sharp shooter on the premises
Man Stuff
More Man Stuff
Go on, Git!

I was so good, people gathered around to watch.
(Kidding, that was my instructor)
Best way to end the day

MANY thanks to world's weekend getaway genius- JT, who went so far as to bring
engraved flasks with our nicknames.

You Sir are our Jake Ryan.

Sorry for the Hiatus

Back to posting after a crazy month of work, travel and post Sandy-ness.