Goodness.... where to begin? I met the lovely Lucky ladies over at Cellar for a few martinis... and while in the middle of a good chatfest, we noticed a little to our left, a skank* litch-er-lee straddling a business man on a banquette... making out with him as if she were going to the chair the next day. Folks, this was at 7:45. Eastern time. Frightening evidence above taken with my iphone. Everyone had their jaw on the floor in disbelief.
From there I managed to strong arm Young Emma Bean and Sweet Al-Theny into going out for just. one. more. Sometimes I'm not known for my bright ideas. We happened upon a completely desolate bar (cue the blowing tumbleweeds) and managed to have a lady dance off, courtesy of jim beam. I'm not going to lie... It was nothing short of pure Thelma and Louise-like fun. Minus Brad Pitt.
*not the funny or good kind