I think my father is currently going through old word doc files on his computer, and ran across this little gem, which he dutifully just sent my way. It is a letter written to my sorority on the eve of my graduation-- a tradition in which parents of theta seniors write sappy memoirs of their daughters, to be read aloud to the whole house. All the girls were crying while listening to the sweet memories that their parents penned for them.... and then my letter was read.
The Sophie Spotlight
March 15, 1998
She Loves Pets!
from Lee and Annie Askew
We are very proud of our daughter Sophie and her many accomplishments which will include, we hope, graduation. Past president of Theta, president of the student body at St. Mary’s Episcopal School for Wayward Girls (joking), good student, organizer of many events (some unknown to us), occasional designated driver, and lover of pets.
Sophie loves cats (and rabbits) and cannot, it seems, live without one. We find this amusing but like it better than if she couldn’t live without say, wild rides on Harleys behind something with lots of tattoos. Hey!
On many occasions she has brought home various pets, some of which we have kept. Some of you may remember Marley the rabbit, who ate our hotel bill after it was pushed under the door into our suite in Kansas City on our way back to Memphis. Marley probably thought it was the continental breakfast! Anyway last May Sophie brought us another one of her cats - a long hair Persian named Mimi (which Sophie affectionately called Booger). Good natured but noisy, this cat was not invited back by Sophie’s roommates Mollie and Luke. Mimi does talk a lot but has become a member of our household. Just before Sophie left for CC this year in January, she purchased another feline from the House of Mews, a sort of hip shelter for cats. This time she chose a neurotic white, long-haired Persian, which she has named BeBo. We know will soon inherit this crazed top-of-bed pooping cat and we just can’t wait.
I guess where all this leads is to point out Sophie’s sweet nature and her need for a friend. I know she will miss her great friends at Theta and I suspect she would, given half the chance, make all of you into her pets and take you with her. The bad news would only be that you would carry an unusual name and seldom have a clean litter box.
I know she has loved her time at CC and the many friends she has made there. I hope you all will try to stay in touch as we believe that the friends you make in college are many times the ones that last.
Good luck to everyone at Theta and always remember what we say in the hardware business, “this is not a drill.” Enjoy life and live it to the fullest.
oh, Pops. Thank you for the never ending comedy routine. And for informing a group of strangers that I named a cat "Booger". Cheers big guy.